Kemet 36 Lapping Machine
The Kemet 36 has a rigid welded tubular section steel frame, which supports the gearbox, drive motor and worktable. It also houses an integral abrasive compound feed and waste tank behind lift-off panels. The machine incorporates a soft starting feature, which smoothly accelerates the lapping plate from stand still to full speed, over a pre-determined time period.
- Can lap parts up to 368mm dia (3 ring) or 322mm dia (4 ring)
- Produces optically flat surfaces with high precision surface finish
- Reduces lapping costs – fully controllable Kemet Electronic Dispensing System accurately meters diamond abrasive onto the lapping plate
- Built in abrasive system for conditioning Kemet Plates
- Suitable for large parts or large volume production
- Electrical System complies with EN 60 204
- Variable speed
- Temperature control
- Drop table
- Pneumatic lift or openface
- 3 or 4 ring versions